Condenser is scaled
- Scale inhibitor is not applied to system or it is dosed in low concentration.
- Thickening of cooling water is too high and LSI of the water system has tendency to scale formation
- Ion exchanger does not work correctly.
- When acid is dosed for modification of pH, maybe probe for measuring pH does not work
- Parameters of hardness dosing water changed against original project Pulsating watermeter works badly. Dosing inhibitor is connected to watermeter or
- pump does not work.
- System is too thickened because of incorrectly setup the automatic blow-down
- Control unit of dosing to system is fault

Typical scale on condenser. On exposed parts is obvious corrosion as a result of unsuitable treament by sulphuric acid
Condenser is corroded
- Condenser was cleaned chemically after unsuitable treatment
- Dosing of sulphuric acid for pH treament is irregular. Probe of pH works badly or dosing of acid is too high.
- Water source with high content of chlorides and sulphates is used. It create corrosion during thickening although LSI has a positive valued
- Chlorides in cooling water come from source and adding of hypochlorites together allowed high chloride concentration and then water is corrosive
- Source with high content of iron is used. It precipitates in tubes
- Condenser is treated unsuitable chemically
- Thanks to too high or too low pH of cooling water zinc layer dissolve and iron corrodes
- Tower is treated bybad biocide, there is a corrosion in system because of present biofilm
- Control unit of dosing to system is fault

Strong corroded condenser

Protective layer of zinc is damaged.

The same place after passivation and suitable permanent anti-corrosion protection.
Condenser is damaged by white corrosion (protective zinc layer diluted)
- pH of system water is too low or too high
- pH usually should be from 7 to 8,5, depending on requirements of manufacturer
- Dosing of sulphuric acid for pH treament do not work correctly
- Control unit of dosing to system is fault

White corrosion
“White corrosion is defined as fast creating of unprotected areas zinc carbonate on the surface of galvanized steel”. These sediments show as spots of white powder and they are considered a byproduct of zinc corrosion. These areas are porous and support creation of continous corrosion of non-passive galvanized areas. This type of corrosion outweighs on evaporative cooling devices. It should be noted that not all white deposits that appear are caused by white corrosion. Consequently, content of inorganic sediments must be determined necessarily

Well treated condenser
Condenser is full of biofilm
- Insufficient biological treatment
- Aerated pump of sodium hypochlorite
- Unsuitable biocide is used
- Control unit of dosing to system is fault
High consumption of water
- Current supplier sets too low thickening treatment. It is possible to hold clean system and consumption of chemicals is higher too. However it has huge costs for water
- Current supplier used chemicals, which are not able to hold hardnees of water at i higher concentration and put ignorance of the tower´s owner
- Opportunity to reduce consumption of water if pH treatment is not used.
- Opportunity to reduce consumption of water because ion-exchanger is not used.
- Automatic blow-down works badly
- System has not automatic blow down