


Newly we have a tablet precipitation of suspended solids, which are suitable for application in areas where it is difficult to dose flocculants and coagulants in liquid form. These tablets just insert the water flow, which gradually dissolve and release active ingredient. These tablets are packed in a practical net, which can be suspended in a stream of water.

If you would like more information, there is a description of these products.

These tablets are available in convenient 20 kg pack. If interested, please contact us, we will answer your questions and deliver tablets.

Given the diversity of applications and different physico-chemical properties of solids, we always recommend consultation with our specialist who will design a specific type of tablet suitable for your use.

PDF - Product description CZ

Najdete nás

  • Starobělská 1063/13
    Ostrava – Zábřeh
    Česká republika 700 30
  • +420 702 181 700
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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