Closed loops have the greatest plenty of risks in the case they have low capacity, which is not permuted. Suppliers also make many mistakes during the treatment of water. Closed system treatment is often a check of qualities and supplier´s experience.
Closed systems are threatened by all problems, which can made by water. It includes scale creation , corrosion, galvanic corrosion and biological growth. In addition, you can´t use common means, as we know from boilers and refrigerating towers.
Today it is best treatment by a molybden or eventually by a means???, which combined molybden with silicates. This treatment has an excellent result in area of uniform corrosion and oxygen corrosion of iron. These problems are the biggest bogy of closed loops. Most closed systems combine more metals. Common combination is steel with copper or with it´s alloys. There is a high risk of system damage due to galvanic corrosion. We recognize it thanks to dissolved cooper ions in the system water because their concentration is higher than in supplemental water where usually occurre in minimum quantity. In this case, it is necessary to treat the system with azoles, which are very effective and long term protection protect yours system.
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