Dosing of oxygen scavenger is sufficient however reaction without catalyzer is too slow for elimination. Inconvenient oxygen scavenger is used for the device
Temperature in boiler feed tank is too low
Pump of oxygen scavenger is synchronised with pump of feed water to boiler and it is not given sufficient period for chemical reaction to oxygen´s elimination
Because of incrusts on tubes
Aerated or non-functional dosing pump of chemicals
Pulsa watermeter do not work. dosing pump is connected to it.
Control unit of dosing to system is fault
Steam generator is scaled
It is neccesary to find if deposits contain mainly phosphate or calcium carbonate
Firstly too large amount of phosphate is dosed at low quality of feed water. Phosphate sludge is created
Secondaly too low amount of phosphates or another scale inhibitor is dosed and it is not sufficient to hardness elimination, which remains behind ion-exchanger and create the scale in the coil
Ionexchanger (Reverse osmosis) does not work well
Ion-exchanger (Reverse osmosis) works but the parameters of condensate are poor and it worsens parameters of boiler feed water
System can be clog by iron compounds, which come from condensate´s pipeline or corroded supply tank
Aerated or non-functional dosing pump of chemicals
Pulse watermeter does not work. Dosing pump is connected to it.
Control unit of dosing to system is fault
Ideal for steam producers is fully polymeric technology of water treatment without sludge creation. Thanks to small average of screw feeder minimizes the risk of clogging or blockage even with temporary worsening quality of boiler feed water because of ion-exchanger fault.